Oct 3, 2023
Dr. Drew appointed Fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics
The honour recognizes Dr. John Drew’s work on the diversity of our relationships with animals and nature, which includes his course, Climate Justice for Humans and Animals, and is leading to an upcoming book. -
Sep 26, 2023
David Suzuki and local environmentalists join together for Environmental Equity discussion
Internationally known and revered advocate, activist and author David Suzuki will speak to our community about Environmental Equity issues as well as the challenge of systemic racism as part of an Author Series event on October 3, 2023. -
Jun 22, 2023
King's celebrates 2022-2023 Board of Directors' gold medal award winners
King's recognizes academic excellence by bestowing the 2022-2023 Board of Directors’ Gold Medal Awards on 13 deserving graduates of the Class of 2023. -
Mar 8, 2022
King's alumna and retired employee publishes memoir
Erma Jacob ’94, who worked at King’s for over 40 years, has published “a fascinating narrative” called A Dougla’s Tale, about growing up in an interracial family in Trinidad.
Dec 29, 2021
Presenting King's Top News Stories of 2021
The Communications and Media Relations department searched through the News archives to highlight some of the top news items from the past year.
Nov 16, 2021
Dr. Ezenwa discusses implications of 19th century missionaries to Africa
Dr. Chinelo Ezenwa presented on her recently defended Ph.D. on the implications of 19th century missionary interventions for Africans as part of the African Conversations Series.
Oct 29, 2021
Dr. Natarajan: BIPOC members of writing centre communities will transform conversations
Dr. Vidya Natarajan, Assistant Professor and Assistant Coordinator, Writing, was a featured speaker at the 2021 International Writing Centers Association (IWCA) Annual Conference on October 20-23, 2021. -
Mar 29, 2021
The Virtual Majlis: a place to practice English language conversation skills
Every Monday, The Write Place at King’s presents The Virtual Majlis for students to improve their English conversational skills. -
Mar 3, 2021
Professor Henderson shares insights on virtual learning
Sheri Henderson, Professor of Writing, had the opportunity to present at international conferences on feeling connected in virtual learning environments. -
Dec 2, 2020
King's celebrates award-winning students, instructors
Student award recipients and the winners of the Outstanding Teaching Faculty Awards, as well as those who support them, were honoured virtually as part of Feast of Christ the King. -
Nov 2, 2020
Dr. Colangelo has collection of short stories published
Beneath the Statue is a collection of 19 stories that Dr. Colangelo wrote over the course of a decade. -
Oct 20, 2020
King's Principal's COVID-19 Update - The Write Place
Dr. David Malloy, King's Principal, discusses the resources developed by The Write Place to continue to offer services while ensuring the safety and health of the King's community. -
Apr 22, 2020
2020 King's Awards for Excellence in Teaching announced
Dr. Graham Broad will be honoured for Full-Time Faculty and Dr. Vidya Natarajan will be honoured for Part-Time Faculty.
Dec 12, 2019
From the UAE to King's
Professor Sheri Henderson comes to King’s after teaching for almost fifteen years in the United Arab Emirates, where she became an accidental celebrity. -
Oct 10, 2019
Globetrotting teacher has worked with 100 nationalities
King's Writing Professor Sheri Henderson's story of teaching people across the globe, from Canada to the United Arab Emirates, has been chronicled in The Sarnia Journal. -
May 14, 2019
King's well-represented at Campuses Connected
The third annual conference was chaired by Dr. Adrienne Sauder and including many members of the King’s faculty.
Feb 14, 2019
Optioned graphic novel has King's connection
The rights to "A Gardener In the Wasteland: Jotiba Phule's Fight for Liberty", a graphic novel written by Dr. Vidya Natarajan, King's Writing Program Coordinator, have been optioned by Bombay Berlin Film Productions which is setting it up as an international film or high-end TV series. -
Jan 17, 2019
The Write Place employs "social" marketing
The Write Place offers social events to help introduce the King’s community to its programs and services. -
Jan 14, 2019
Creative Writing Workshop
Make your poetry and prose come alive by learning about the essential creative element that is setting.
Jan 8, 2019
Hot chocolate and poetry
Poetry Prescription Day to be held from 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. on Wednesday, January 9 at the King Student Life Centre.