Seeing a career counsellor can be helpful at any stage of your university experience. Career counselling can help you cope better with the transition into university, meet school and life challenges more effectively and feel confident about the direction you are going.

At Accessibility Counselling and Student Development we have professional counsellors who specialize in career development who will help you figure out your best next step on your career journey. 

Student seek career counselling for many different reasons:

  • Self exploration: learning who you are and what you want
  • Making future educational choices: post degree, graduate and professional programs
  • Job search and networking strategies to find meaningful work
  • Managing accessibility challenges and career goals
  • Connecting your degree to future work possibilities
  • Finding and building relevant experience
  • Mobilizing skills to manage career planning and mental health concerns
  • Decision making, planning and goal setting
  • Diversity issues and their impact on career development

To Schedule an Appointment with a Career Counsellor

New Students

Step #1:

Complete our .  You will be asked to log-in using your Western username and password.

Step #2:

Once you submit your registration form, you will need to schedule your initial appointment.  You can do this one of the following ways:

  • Complete the online .  We will email your Western email with your appointment date and time.
  • Call our office at 519-930-4640
  • Stop by Wemple Room 151

When the Counselling office receives both your registration form, as well as the appointment request, you will receive an email to your Western email with an appointment to meet with a Career Counsellor.

If you have any questions, please contact our office at or call 519-930-4640

Returning Students

If you would like to schedule a follow up appointment with a Career Counsellor, you can do so one of the following ways:

  • Through the webpage
  • Call our office at 519-930-4640
  • Stop by Wemple Room 151
  • Complete the .  We will email your Western email with your appointment date and time.

Looking for something you can do right away?  Do you have a specific question related to building experience? Creating a resume? Or preparing for an interview? Check out the Career Connect Website and find resources for all your career and job search needs.

If you have any questions, please contact or call 519-930-4640