How To Apply
Ready to make a full-time application? Online applications are available at the Ontario Universities' Application Centre's Web site: . If you have any questions or concerns about the application procedure, please contact the OUAC centre at 519-823-1063.
- Base Application Fee: $156.00
- Additional application choices (in all categories): $50.00 per choice
- For more information on undergraduate application fees:
A single non-refundable evaluation fee of $93.50 (Canadian) payable to the OUAC is required of all Non-Current Ontario High School Students.
The following are exempt from this evaluation fee:
- Applicants from Six Nations Polytechnic
- Applicants from the English Language Programs at WELC, ICEAP or Fanshawe College.
Part-time students work on their degree by taking 3.0 or fewer credits at one time.
If you are interested in part-time studies, complete the part-time application. If you wish to start part-time in the spring/summer but study on a full-time basis in the fall/winter, please fill out the full-time OUAC application and indicate Summer as your expected enrolment date.
Application Deadlines
- March 1 - Intersession, Summer Evening, Summer Distance Studies
- May 1 - Summer Day
- July 1 - Fall/Winter Distance Studies and Part-time on campus courses
Part Time Application Fees
All applicants - $64.00 (CDN)
Post-secondary Evaluation Fee
A single non-refundable evaluation fee of $93.50 (Canadian) is required of all Non-Current Ontario High School Students.
The following are exempt from this evaluation fee:
- Applicants from Six Nations Polytechnic
- Applicants from the English Language Programs at WELC, ICEAP or Fanshawe College.
If you would like to submit changes to the OUAC and your universities of choice, log in to your submitted application. You will need to enter your changes and then complete the following “Submit” steps:
- Click “Review and Submit”.
- Review and verify your application information.
- Read the “Applicant’s Declaration” clause and click “I verify and agree”.
- Select your method of fee payment, if applicable.
- If your changes are successfully submitted, you will receive a confirmation number by email along with a summary of your responses to offers of admission and/or changes to your application information. Keep this email for your records.
The OUAC will process submitted changes within 1 business day. At that time, you should log back in to your account to confirm that your changes were processed.
- If you change your program choices, there may be an additional choice fee.
- Once you submit your application, you cannot make changes to existing transcript requests (except to add a request or requests).