For thousands of years, the great religions of the world, both East and West, have served as treasure chests brimming with the collected brilliance of some of the wisest and most influential people ever to have walked the earth. In addition to theology, philosophy, ethics, art, music, ritual, and guidelines for personal conduct and communal living, these religious traditions contain profound insights into human nature, the meaning of life, ways to overcome suffering, ways to achieve mystical union with the divine, the need for compassion and understanding, and many other various and sundry pearls of wisdom. Thus, World Religions & Cultures is a fascinating study all on its own, for its own sake.

But the study of World Religions & Cultures is also highly practical. In an ever-shrinking world, we constantly find ourselves surrounded by peoples of different religions and cultures, many of whom we simply do not understand. And a lack of understanding often leads to tragic consequences, as is made evident every night on the evening news. Before you can change the world for the better, however, you first need to understand it. On its own, or combined with other fields such as Psychology, Sociology, or Social Work, a study of the religions and cultures of the globe is an essential ingredient in bringing positive change to the world.

For Ontario high school students a minimum 80% final entrance average is required. Averages are calculated on the top six 4U or 4M credits including English 4U.

College transfer students are required to have a minimum cumulative average of "B" or better in an acceptable one-year certificate (General Arts and Sciences, Pre-Health Science, Human Services Foundation) or completed diploma. College transfer students may earn up to a maximum of five transfer credits. Individual courses must have a minimum achievement of 60% to be considered for transfer credit.

King’s projects a minimum 65% for admission for students transferring from another Canadian University. A maximum of ten transfer credit may be granted. Individual courses must have a minimum achievement of 60% to be considered for transfer credit.

Programs Offered

Hinduism & Buddhism, Judaism & Islam, Emergence of the Christian Tradition, Contemporary Religious Movements, Religious Pluralism

Careers in education, journalism, politics, charitable or non-governmental organizations are to name a few.

Approximate Costs

Fee details and schedules are available at