Our Mission

An engaged liberal arts university community in which our Catholic character, Catholic intellectual tradition, and commitment to reconciliation and equity inform unique learning experiences that promote critical thought, creativity, and articulate expression.

Philosophy of 51视频

Statement on Academic Freedom

The common good of society depends upon the search for knowledge and its free exposition. Academic freedom is recognized by King's as essential to the life and functioning of the University as an institution of higher learning and as a centre for research and scholarship. Academic freedom does not imply neutrality on the part of the individual. Rather, it is academic freedom that makes commitment possible. The right to academic freedom carries with it the duty to use that freedom in a responsible way in the instruction of students, in the production of scholarly work, and the efficient functioning of the University. All members of the faculty have a responsibility to promote or at least respect the Catholic identity of King's.

All faculty members are entitled to carry out their research and publish its results; to teach; to employ a pedagogical style of their choice; to be creative; to select, acquire, disseminate, and use documents of their choice in the exercise of their professional activities; and to criticize the University and the Faculty Association in a responsible way, irrespective of any prescribed doctrine and free from any and all institutional censorship. Faculty members shall not be hindered or impeded in any way by the employer or the Faculty Association in exercising their contractual rights as members of the University community or legal rights as citizens of the community at large, nor shall they suffer any penalties because of the exercise of such legal rights. Finally, faculty members have the right to cite affiliation with and title at King’s University College when exercising their rights of action or expression. They shall, however, endeavour to ensure that their actions or expressions are not interpreted as representing the official position of King’s University College.
