Accessibility, counselling & student development

You can find support within yourself, at 51视频, and/or in your community, to achieve your personal and academic goals.  King's Accessibility, Counselling & Student Development (ACSD) Department is committed to helping you access the services you need.  Follow the links below to discover more information about each service we offer/available to you.  Note:  If you have questions regarding academic programs, courses, or require academic advising, please review the webpage for assistance.

ACSD offers appointments in the following areas:

  • Accessibility Services
  • Assistive Technology, including FM systems
  • Personal Counselling (Mental Health and Wellness)
  • Career Services
  • Learning Skills Services
  • DARTS (Developing Academic Resiliency, Tenacity, and Skills)
  • Campus Social Worker (see appointment scheduling details below)

All services are available by scheduled appointment.  We also offer walk-in appointments for Accessibility Services and Personal Counselling (see additional information ).  All services are free and confidential!

How To Schedule An Appointment

First Time Accessing A Service
  1. Complete the
  2. Schedule your initial appointment one of the following ways:
  1. Call the Intake Office at 519-930-4640
  2. Stop by Wemple Room 151
  3. Complete the .  We will email your Western email with your appointment date and time.
Schedule A Follow-Up Appointment Any Of The Following Ways:
  1. Through our webpage
  2. Call the Intake Office at 519-930-4640
  3. Stop by Wemple Room 151
  4. Complete the .  We will email your Western email with your appointment date and time.
Scheduling An Appointment With The Campus Social Worker
  1. Call the Intake Office at 519-930-4640
  2. Stop by Wemple Room 151
  3. Complete the .  We will email your Western email with your appointment date and time.

Accessibility Services

Providing classroom and exam accommodations for students with disability related needs

Assistive Technology

Open to all students registered with ACSD. Providing assistance navigating technology in the online world.

Career Counselling

Helping all students explore career related questions, decision-making, planning and goal setting.


A structured program to build skills and resilience for academic achievement

Learning Skills

Helping students develop scholastic skills that address their individual learning outcomes.

Personal Counselling

Offering individual therapy to students experiencing a wide range of concerns.

Campus Social Worker

Get support, problem solving, and referrals to on and off campus resources for personal and academic issues.