Social Justice and Peace Studies is an interdisciplinary academic program committed to experiential education and inspired by the Catholic Social Teaching tradition. It encourages critical reflection on oppression and injustice, locally and globally, and it examines theoretical and practical approaches to justice and peace. It calls students to social action that transforms the world in the interests of human dignity, equality, sustainability, and peace.

This innovative cross-disciplinary program offers one of four core courses in social justice and peace in each of the four years leading to a degree. These core courses are combined with existing courses drawn from a variety of disciplines such as sociology, politics, economics, history, social work, religious studies, and others. There is a mandatory service component in second year that engages students in local issues of Social Justice and Peace and an optional (experiential learning) component offering a variety of opportunities that may be undertaken at any time after first year. Course credit can be arranged for these experiences.

While this degree can be pursued independently, students are strongly encouraged to combine their degree in Social Justice and Peace with a Major or Minor in social science, arts, or science. The program is designed to make it easy to do this.

Although the program reflects King's mission as a Catholic College, the program addresses students of all religious and political persuasions in a spirit of open and free dialogue.

We believe that this four year BA program will be attractive to students who:

  • Are interested in expanding their awareness of social justice issues and their understanding of the interlocking nature of poverty, violence, racism, sexism, colonization, disability, religious persecution, environmental degradation and other forms of oppression.
  • Wish to develop critical and analytical skills necessary to live and work responsibly in a globally integrated world.
  • Want to act as political and social critics and become agents for progressive social transformation.
  • Wish to participate in volunteer experiences or internships (for course credit) in local community settings, in low-income countries or work with the King’s.

For Ontario high school students a minimum 80% final entrance average is required. Averages are calculated on the top six 4U or 4M credits including English 4U.

College transfer students are required to have a minimum cumulative average of "B" or better in an acceptable one-year certificate (General Arts and Sciences, Pre-Health Science, Human Services Foundation) or completed diploma. College transfer students may earn up to a maximum of five transfer credits. Individual courses must have a minimum achievement of 60% to be considered for transfer credit.

King’s projects a minimum 65% for admission for students transferring from another Canadian University. A maximum of ten transfer credit may be granted. Individual courses must have a minimum achievement of 60% to be considered for transfer credit.

Programs Offered

Perspectives on Social Justice and Peace, Contemporary Canadian Issues in Social Justice and Peace, Contemporary Global Issues in Social Justice and Peace, Public Finance-Expenditure, Income Distribution and Poverty Warfare, North Environmental History, Philosophy of Law, Introduction to Comparative Politics, Contemporary Moral Problems, Minority Groups.

SJPS will be attractive to students who:

  • Want to develop critical and analytical skills necessary to seek advanced degrees in the social sciences and the humanities. Many graduates establish careers in the law, social work, education, or medical fields.
  • Seek to become engaged with non-profit organizations to improve the lives of people in Ontario and abroad. Students regularly participate in volunteer experiences and become part of King’s Centre for Social Concern.
  • Are interested in expanding their awareness of social justice issues and their understanding of the interlocking nature of poverty, violence, racism, sexism, colonization, disability, religious persecution, environmental degradation and other forms of oppression.

Approximate Costs

Fee details and schedules are available at