Université Catholique de Lille is hosting a hybrid Open House on December 2nd from 9:30 to 17:30 pm Lille time.
Representatives from all their Schools and Faculties – professors, educational officers, and student ambassadors – will be online, ready to talk to prospective students about courses, admission procedures, and anything else they want to know about studying here.


The opportunity to study abroad is a life-changing experience. You will see the world, learn to appreciate cultural differences, make new friends, and you will grow as a person. The Department of English, French, and Writing at King’s offers students the opportunity to spend their third year of the French Program studying in Lille, France.

Lille  is a vibrant city in northern France situated on the Deûle River, near France's border with Belgium. was founded in 1875 and is France’s largest private university consisting of six faculties and 20 Grandes Écoles.

French students who wish to spend their third-year studying at the Université Catholique de Lille will take courses in the Faculté Libre des Lettres et Sciences Humaines. 

  • Up to 4 students will be selected spend a full academic year in Lille during two terms (fall and winter) taking the equivalent of 5.0 courses
  • Students will pay no fees to the Université Catholique de Lille, but will pay regular tuition fees at their home university.

Financial Assistance

  • Students participating in the program will be eligible for CSAF assistance
  • King’s students are eligible for the International Study Abroad scholarship ($2,000) and the Third-Year in Lille Awards ($4,000).


  • Completion of the second year of a French module, including Fr 2605F and Fr 2606G (or Fr 2600E), as well as Fr 2900 (or Fr 2905A and 2906B). These courses must be completed by the end of April in second year.
  • An average of 75% in second-year courses is normally required

Application Procedure

  • Only King’s University College students are eligible to apply for the Lille exchange
  • All applications should be submitted by the beginning of December to a member of the full-time faculty in French at King’s.


Selection Procedure

  • Applications are first adjudicated to determine eligibility based on academic criteria: academic performance and program of study.
  • Performance in French courses is an important criterion used to evaluate applicants. Normally, students who are selected will have an average of 75% or above and will be in good academic standing prior to their selection for the exchange program. 
  • The academic program in which the student is enrolled is also an important factor in the selection process. An applicant must normally be enrolled, or be planning to enroll, before the beginning of the exchange, in a French module, and have met all requirements for progression into third year by the end of April. Preference will be given to students enrolled in an Honours French module, then a Major, and then a Minor.
  • Students considered eligible at this stage are then invited to an interview with members of the French faculty in early January.
  • Selections will be made by mid-January

The Ideal Candidate

  • Has the support of his or her family and friends
  • Is involved at King's and within the larger community
  • Is open, friendly, curious and adaptable
  • Shows cultural awareness and sensitivity
  • Will be a true ambassador for King's, Western and Canada while on the exchange

Click here for the Application form.

Student Testimonials