Student Affairs is committed to supporting Indigenous Students in reaching their highest potential through encouragement, culturally-responsive programming, and advice from your application right through graduation and beyond.

We have partnered with Western University in providing many community initiatives and programs throughout the year.  Please visit  at Western for additional information.

For further information, please contact Student Affairs at



Land Acknowledgment

Land acknowledgments are intended to inspire us to take action to support Indigenous communities, to increase the visibility of Indigenous people and to provide space for Indigenous voices to be heard. At King’s University College, we are taking steps to reconcile and build positive relationships.

One step is to recognize and acknowledge that our campus at King’s University College is situated on the traditional territories of the Anishinaabek, Haudenosaunee, L奴naapéewak, and Chonnonton peoples, all of whom have longstanding relationships to the land of Southwestern Ontario and the City of London. The First Nations communities of our local area include Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, Oneida Nation of the Thames, and Munsee Delaware Nation. In our region, there are eleven First Nations communities, as well as a growing Indigenous urban population. King’s University College values the significant historical and contemporary contributions of local and regional First Nations, and all of the Original Peoples of the Turtle Island (also known as North America).

King’s honours the rich cultural and natural landscape our buildings and spaces are a part of and the connection Indigenous peoples have to the land. In the spirit of reconciliation, we acknowledge our responsibility to address past and present injustices and provide space for Traditional Knowledge and worldviews to shape the landscape of Turtle Island. We are trying to be intentional in our commitment to learning Indigenous ways of knowing, in our recruitment of Indigenous students, faculty and staff, in creating safer spaces for our Indigenous community members.

For our alumni, our current students, prospective students, and King’s community, we encourage you to also use intentionality in learning and informing yourself about the traditional lands, treaties, history, and cultures of the Indigenous people local to our region.

Student Testimonial