Foundations in The New Liberal Arts
Foundations in The New Liberal Arts is an interdisciplinary approach to first-year studies that lets you explore the traditions of Western Civilization from three perspectives, all at the same time: History, Literature, and Philosophy. You'll study the great events that have shaped the world, the great ideas that have changed how we think, and the great books that have defined the human experience. You'll learn all those things you always wanted to know, and what you need to know to succeed.
Foundations in The New Liberal Arts is for motivated students who want to spend their entry-year reading, writing, thinking, and talking about what it means to be human. Above all, it's for someone like you: someone who has high expectations of yourself and of your school, who values small classes where you know everyone's name, and who is looking for an intensive and challenging learning experience. It's for those who want to improve not just themselves but the world.
Foundations students apply to King鈥檚 Arts (EKA). For Ontario high school students a minimum 80% final entrance average is required. Averages are calculated on the top six 4U or 4M credits including English 4U. Thought and Civilization program is small and limited to 25 students
Course Description: The English Literature unit of the King's Foundations in the New Liberal Arts is supplemented by the study of art and music. It investigates influential works of literature from ancient to modern times through an interdisciplinary perspective, with special focus on innovations in literary form and cultural contexts.
Course Description: The History unit of the King's Foundations in the New Liberal Arts introduces students to major processes, personalities, and events in the historical development of the modern world and what is described as "the West", while developing and refining students' fundamental skills in historical methodology.
Course Description: The Philosophy unit of the King's Foundations in the New Liberal Arts is an interdisciplinary historical survey of some of the most important philosophers (Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Marx, Nietzsche, Derrida) and artists (da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Dali) that have shaped the course of Western thought and our contemporary world.
It provides a solid foundation for an undergraduate degree that could position you to go on to any number of careers: teaching, writing, law, policy, journalism, politics, and publishing, to name only a few.
Approximate Costs
Fee details and schedules are available at