RESEARCH ETHICS REVIEW APPLICATION (All applicants must complete their application on-line)

Fillable PDFs MUST be filled out using Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader version 9 or greater.


When you have finished your project, please provide an End of Study Report by completing the form below within 30 days after 12 months from the date your project was granted ethics clearance.

If your project is a multi-year research project and is not yet completed, please provide an Annual Status Report for Multi-Year Research Project by filling out the form below every year within 30 days after the date your project was granted ethics clearance.

a. Application and Related Information

  1. Application Process Flowchart
  2. Tips / Instructions to Applicant (communications & guidelines)
  3. Appendix A - Checklist for Ethical Assessment of Research Proposals
  4. Appendix B - Instructions for Preparing Letters of Information & Consent Forms
  5. Transcription Confidentiality Agreement
  6. Research Assistant Confidentiality Agreement
    1. Sample Confidentiality Agreement

b.  Guide to Proper Conduct of Research at 51视频

c.  Research Involving Human Subjects: Guidelines

d.  Notification of Revisions or Additions to an Approved Protocol

e.   Ethics Guidelines - Research with Human Subjects
f.  Student Project Ethics Review Protocol 
     Student Project: Ethics Review - Instructor's Review Form
g.  Information and Data Collection Involving Gender and Sexuality
h.   Toward A Trauma- And Violence-Informed Research Ethics Module: Considerations And Recommendations


November 13, 2023 - Research Ethics Workshop - Application and Review Process
Presenter - Dr. Andrew Mantulak (Chair, Research Ethics Review Committee, and Associate Professor, School of Social Work)

Western’s Online Survey Tool

-To use Western's Survey Tool go to .
-In order to see what a completed survey looks like, please log on to the Matrix Energetics Seminar Survey: .
(If you like, you can try it with a made-up name and password. Just click on the "Submit This Page" button at the bottom of each page to see the next page. Note: Text boxes can be made to whatever size is required.)

RERC Recommendation: Qualtrics versus Survey Monkey

While each investigator is free to select whichever survey platform best meets the needs of the study and the participants RERC recommends the use of Qualtrics.

We have provided a summary sheet reviewing the strengths and limits of each option for your information.