A Message on Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools

Developments in artificial intelligence (AI) tools, such as ChatGPT, have provoked strong reactions—from fascination about the scientific, educational, and social potential of AI, to deep worry about its use, including concerns about misinformation and academic dishonesty. Should we encourage AI use or ban it altogether in schools and universities?

Along with all universities and colleges, at King’s we are exploring new territory with AI. We recognize that AI can be a powerful tool in education and research; at the same time, we need to be aware of its limitations.

Our instructors at King's may have different approaches to AI use, depending on what skills and knowledge they want students to develop. We want any use of AI to help, not hinder, creativity, originality, critical thinking, and self-expression.

Our approach to AI is rooted in our commitment to academic integrity—to being a community of learning that embodies honesty, fairness, and mutual respect.

For more guidance on generative AI at Western, visit .