Accessibility Services at King’s University College believes that every student has the right to “Access Success”!  We are committed to providing an accessible and barrier-free learning environment, with services geared toward a wide range of needs.

Students using the services provided by Accessibility Services have a condition that may be related to, but not limited to, vision, hearing, mobility, different ways of learning, mental health, chronic illnesses, chronic pain, autism spectrum disorder, ADD/ADHD, and temporary conditions.

What Is An Accessibility Accommodation?

An accessibility accommodation is a means of preventing and removing or reducing barriers that impede students with accessibility needs from participating fully in the educational environment in a way that is responsive to their own unique circumstances.  The principle of accommodation involves dignity, individualization, and inclusion (The Ontario Human Rights Commission, 2008).  The University recognizes its obligation to provide reasonable academic accommodation to students with accessibility needs where the accommodation can be implemented without compromising the academic integrity of the course or program.

Every student has the right to be appropriately accommodated for their accessibility needs.  It is the responsibility of each student to inform us of their needs, any problems encountered with the accommodations and services, and to follow through with the procedures as outlined.


If you currently have a diagnosed condition, and you require academic accommodations, you will need to meet with an Accessibility Counsellor.

Step #1:

Complete the .  You will need to have the following information available before proceeding:  

  • Western Username (i.e. jsmith)
  • Student Number
  • Western Email
  • Supporting documentation:  You will be asked to upload at least one piece of supporting documentation as part of the intake process.  The more information you can provide, the better able your Accessibility Counsellor will be able to assist you.   Acceptable Documentation.
Step #2:

Once you submit your registration form, you will then need to schedule your initial appointment.  You can do this one of the following ways:

  • Call our office at 519-930-4640
  • Complete the online .  We will email your Western email with your appointment date and time.
  • Stop by Wemple Room 151

If you have any questions, please contact our office at, or call 519-930-4640

Returning Students

You must register with Accessibility Services each term in order to receive your accessibility accommodations.  An appointment may be requested by your Counsellor if there is a specific need (e.g. to review outstanding documentation, your health status or learning needs have changed, to complete necessary forms, etc.)

Step #1:  Visit the  log in page.  You will be able to view your accommodations (classroom and exam) and request them for each of your courses.  This will make your accommodation information available to your instructors.  If you don't make the request on this page, they will not be aware of your needs.  It is important to keep this page up to date as you add and drop courses.

Step #2:  Accommodations for online timed assessments (quizzes/tests/exams):  

  • Please consult OWL and your course outline to determine the type of online/test exam you will be given and how your accommodations will be arranged.
  • If information about accommodations is not available on OWL, please contact your instructor directly to discuss how your accommodations will be implemented for online timed assessments.

Step #3:  Accommodations for in-person (face-to-face) assessments (quizzes/tests/exams):

  • Submit a request via your Exam Services page at least 10 days prior to the date of the assessment.
  • If you can't locate that information, or are confused, contact your instructor directly.  You will find a helpful email template on the Accommodated Exams webpage.
  • Check your for confirmed start time and location (visible 3 days in advance)

You can schedule an appointment with your Accessibility Counsellor one of the following ways: 

  • Through the webpage
  • Call our office at 519-930-4640
  • Stop by Wemple Room 151
  • Complete the .  We will email your Western email with your appointment date and time.

Walk-in appointments are available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm (registration begins at 1 pm).  Find more information .  (Note:  there are no walk-in services during the summer months or during the Spring and Fall Reading weeks).

If you have any questions, please contact our office at, or call 519-930-4640

Helpful Links