Philosophy begins and ends in wonder; it requires passion, hard work and it is a lot of fun. There is only one way to “know thyself,” as Socrates said, and that is to ask yourself where you stand on some basic human questions. For Kant, to ask “What is Human Being?” is to ask three basic questions: “What can I know? What ought I do? For what may I hope?” But, as Marx said, we do not just want to interpret the world, “The point is to change it.” Philosophy is not an empty debating-club; it is a militant project of profound social and political transformation. 

For Ontario high school students a minimum 80% final entrance average is required. Averages are calculated on the top six 4U or 4M credits including English 4U.

College transfer students are required to have a minimum cumulative average of "B" or better in an acceptable one-year certificate (General Arts and Sciences, Pre-Health Science, Human Services Foundation) or completed diploma. College transfer students may earn up to a maximum of five transfer credits. Individual courses must have a minimum achievement of 60% to be considered for transfer credit.

King’s projects a minimum 65% for admission for students transferring from another Canadian University. A maximum of ten transfer credit may be granted. Individual courses must have a minimum achievement of 60% to be considered for transfer credit.

Programs Offered

For students with a keen interest in English, Philosophy and History, please check out our limited entry first year program: Foundations in The New Liberal Arts for a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach.

Questions of the Day, The Great Human Questions We All Ask, Ethics and Society, Bioethics, Business Ethics, Philosophy of Law, Aristotelian Logic, Philosophy of the Person, Moral Problems and Issues, Existentialism

Besides a richer and more meaningful life, philosophy is considered an excellent training for law, politics, business, medicine, science and computer science: it requires sound critical reasoning skills as well as good analytical training in order to understand and formulate arguments. Philosophy helps develop and sharpen the skills necessary for entering many professional faculties as well as developing professional careers. In fact, in recent studies, the most successful business and societal leaders all have training in Philosophy. Do your own research: Google “value of a philosophy degree” and see how highly valued it is a foundation for just about anything you want to do.

Approximate Costs

Fee details and schedules are available here.