Mental Health Resources
King's Mental Health and Wellness Resources
Resources & Support
Urgent Consultation Services:
- Part of London Health Sciences
- Located at South St. opposite hospital
- Available for anyone 16 years and older in the London and Middlesex County.
- Referrals are necessary and can be made by a family physician or a walk-in clinic
- You will be seen by medical staff for triage within 24 to 48 hours.
- Contact number: 519-685-8500 Ext 75521
PEPP: Prevention & Early Intervention in Psychosis
- Part of London Health Sciences
- Located at South St. opposite hospital
- For anyone 16 to 50 experiencing psychosis for the first time
- Referrals accepted by family, doctors, schools, community partners, as well as self-referral
- Contact number: 519-667-6777,
FEMAP: First Episode Mood and Anxiety Program
- Part of London Health Sciences
- Located at 860 Richmond Street
- For anyone 16 or older
- Referrals may be made by doctors, or self-referral
- Contact number: 519-646-6000 ext 65178,
Geriatric Mental Health Program
- Part of London Health Sciences
- Located at South St. opposite hospital
- Provides out-patient assessment for all geriatric mental health through centralized intake
- Provides out-patient treatment
- Referral can be initiated by anyone but formal agreement from family physician is required
- Contact number: 519-685-4046
Emergency Care
- Mental health emergency care is accessed through Victoria Hospital
- Note: Regional Mental Health does not have an Emergency Department
Specialized Geriatric Services
- Part of St. Joseph’s Health Care, London
- Located at Parkwood Hospital
- Available to all 65 years and older S.W. Ontario
- Assesses all geriatric issues (caregiver fatigue, incontinence, poor nutrition etc.) as well as dementia, depression through a Centralized Intake and Triage
- Referrals can be initiated by self, family or caregivers but agreement and a doctor's signature will be required.
- Contact number: 519-685-4046
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)
648 Huron St. (just east of Adelaide)
Offers peer support and psycho-educational groups (6 weeks), and many support groups for people suffering with mental illnesses
534 Queens Ave., (at Maitland)
Contact: Sabrina Andrews, ext 227
Offers family education program and family recovery program; support group meets twice a month
Located in Regional Mental Health Care, London – 850 Highbury Ave
Contact: Laurel Lamarre, ext 47440
Offers library, peer support, psycho-educational programs
Available to families of patients and surrounding community
You Are Not Alone (YANA)
A faith-based sharing group for people journeying with a loved one with mental illness.
Meets at St. Michael’s the second Wednesday of every month from 7 p.m. until 8:30 p.m.
For more information, call Cathie at 519-850-0600 or join .