The Fall/Winter term runs from September to April.  Complete your course planning in  and then register in courses in your . 

Should you require assistance with course enrollment, please connect with King's Registration Helpline Live Chat; call King's registration helpline at 519-433-3491 or 1-800-265-4406; and/or attend Enrolment Services in person.

For program planning support, please connect with King's Academic Advising Department

Course Registration is completed on . 

See below for instructions on how to add, drop, swap or waitlist courses. 

How To...

The waitlist option allows students to join a queue for automatic enrollment into a class component. A waitlist option may be available on all types of class components: lecture, tutorial or laboratory. 

Eligibility to enroll in a class may change during the course registration period. A waitlist position does not guarantee that you will be enrolled when space is available.

How to Join a Waitlist

  1. Log in to .
  2. Determine if the class will fit into your schedule. You will not be eligible to enroll from a waitlist if that enrollment will result in a time conflict or will exceed the maximum course load allowed for the term.
  3. Follow the Add a Class or Swap a Class instructions above.

    Use swap if you need to indicate which class to drop to make room in your schedule for the waitlisted course. Refer to the Swap a Class section for information on swapping to a waitlist for a different course or using swap to waitlist a different lab/tutorial.
  4. Your waitlist position will be provided in the confirmation message. Review your waitlist status and position regularly throughout the course registration period. Refer to "Where Can I see My Waitlist Position" below for details.

What Happens Next?

A process will run daily during the course registration period to enroll students from the waitlist. There may be a delay between when space becomes available and when a student will be enrolled from the waitlist. The next eligible student (ex: student in position #1) will be assessed and if all enrollment conditions are met, the student will be automatically enrolled into the class. 

A notification will be sent to your Western email account when you have been automatically enrolled from a waitlist. Automatic enrollment from a waitlist is subject to the usual academic and financial deadlines, as well as policies associated with adding/dropping courses and progression through modules. Refer to Register in Fall/Winter Courses (Add/Drop Dates).

If none of the waitlisted students are eligible to enroll into the available spaces due to enrollment errors, such as time conflict or exceeding the maximum allowed course load, the remaining spaces will be made available to other students. The students who remain on the waitlist will be re-assessed the next time the waitlist process runs. 

Waitlists will continue to be processed up until the end of the course registration period (last day to add a course). Remove yourself from a waitlist if you no longer wish to be automatically enrolled into the class or if you no longer wish to be automatically dropped from a class that was indicated in your swap to waitlist request. If you used swap to join a waitlist for a Winter class and indicated a Fall/Winter or Fall class to drop then you will be automatically dropped from the Fall/Winter or Fall class if you are eligible to enroll from the waitlist for the Winter class. This drop may result in a course withdrawal (WDN) for the Fall/Winter or Fall class. By dropping yourself from the waitlist for the Winter class, you will be cancelling the swap to waitlist details. Once the swap to waitlist has been cancelled, you can join the waitlist for the Winter class again.

Frequently Asked Questions

Students should register in a full course-load during the priority enrollment period. If there is a different class you would like to take that has a waitlist available, make sure to join the waitlist using a swap request which will indicate what to drop to make room in your schedule for the waitlisted course. See the Swap a Class section above for information on swapping to a waitlist for a different course or using swap to waitlist a different tutorial/lab.