Children and Family Programs
The Liturgical Season & Monthly Schedule
A complete list of activities and events for the whole family as well as volunteer opportunities, can be found on our monthly schedule.
Print off your copy of this month’s schedule by clicking the link above.
Family Faith Formation Series
Children and Family Opportunities
The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Youth Bulletin (for ages 7 to 12) is a weekly publication that includes the Sunday Gospel reading, reflection questions, small activities and details about the many celebrations in the life of the Church
Available at Sunday Masses, September - June)
Children’s Sunday Program (Ages 4 to 6)
Throughout the year, Christ the King University Parish celebrates Sunday Mass at Revera’s Windermere on the Mount (10:00am weekly), and at 5:00pm, (September - April). The Children’s Sunday Program, which invites children ages 4 to 6 to take part in catechetical activities, will take place on Sundays at 10:00am in the parish hall. Activities include prayer, song singing and a variety of crafts related to the Sunday Gospel reading. Please email Maija Wilson if you would like to participate.
Youth Events (Ages 8 to 12)
Christ the King University Parish offers a variety of opportunities for children, ages 8 to 12, that are directly related to the different seasons of the Catholic Church. Some examples include the annual Advent Party, Lenten Retreat and Stations of the Cross. Youth ages 12 and up are encouraged to join us and begin developing their leadership skills taking on certain roles and responsibilities. Through participating as young leaders they will be able to practice their communication skills; develop their gifts through holding leadership roles; and be formed in faith through participating in a variety of faith-filled activities. Follow our monthly schedule (above) for dates and times.
Leadership Opportunities (Ages 13 to 17)
It is becoming more and more evident how important it is to engage students in healthy, positive experiences whether it is coming together in fellowship. Christ the King University Parish offers some opportunities for high school students that are both leadership oriented and rooted in the Catholic faith. Students who wish to be engaged can volunteer with Christ the King University Parish's Children's Programs, YOUTH GROUP, the Parish Coffee House, LONDON Interfaith Peace Camp and other citywide outreach projects that take place year to year. There will also be opportunities for special events and gatherings that are specifically geared to this age group.
London Interfaith Peace Camp
The London Interfaith Peace Camp (LIPC), is a collaborative community project that encourages understanding and cooperation among Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faith groups. Rooted in the shared values of these Abrahamic traditions, the LIPC is a week-long day camp offered to students in grades 1 through 8. Through this day camp experience, the campers and the staff build friendships and understanding with peers from other local Abrahamic faith traditions. The informal social setting of a camp, combined with intentional presentations about Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, teach enduring lessons about building peace across all three Abrahamic faith traditions. If you are interested, you can receive our bimonthly Newsletter and hear how you can stay connected throughout the course of the year!
For more information about Children & Youth Programs, or if you would like to register in any of these listed above, contact:
Maija Wilson, Minister to Youth / 519.433.3491 ext. 4409