In a world that is being reshaped in challenging ways, Politics and International Relations is where the action is. You’ll learn why societies look the way they do, and how politics is the ultimate tool for change. Because of our smaller class sizes, you’ll get real student engagement, with professors know your name and what you’re about. Every year our students and faculty travel together to some of the most important sites of political action – in Canada, the United States, Africa and Europe.

The first job of our award-winning faculty is your success. You’ll receive an essential core education in international relations, Canadian politics, political theory, comparative and developing politics, plus law and public policy. Then you’re free to choose specialized third and fourth-year courses where you can explore and refine your interests. Engage with Canadian and international law. Practice negotiating peace in conflict zones. Learn how to change public policies that affect your own neighbourhood. When you’re done at King’s, you will have the knowledge and skills you need to work at great organizations or attend top grad schools.

For Ontario high school students a minimum 80% final entrance average is required. Averages are calculated on the top six 4U or 4M credits including English 4U.

College transfer students are required to have a minimum cumulative average of "B" or better in an acceptable one-year certificate (General Arts and Sciences, Pre-Health Science, Human Services Foundation) or completed diploma. College transfer students may earn up to a maximum of five transfer credits. Individual courses must have a minimum achievement of 60% to be considered for transfer credit.

King’s projects a minimum 65% for admission for students transferring from another Canadian University. A maximum of ten transfer credit may be granted. Individual courses must have a minimum achievement of 60% to be considered for transfer credit.

Programs Offered

Courses in Politics and International Relations may include:


Course Description: This introduction to politics emphasizes how people and the state use power to achieve political aims. Students will learn essential concepts (power, authority, democracy, freedom) and influential ideologies (liberalism, conservatism, socialism, feminism, nationalism), explore our institutional landscape (legislatures, executives, the judiciary) and agents of change (parties, media, interest groups).


Course Description: This course introduces students to the study of global politics. Drawing on a range of perspectives, the course examines the most significant issues in global affairs such as war, peace, terrorism, security, diplomacy, nationalism, global justice, global environment, globalization, global governance, poverty, development, human rights, gender, and inequality.

Political Science 2231E - International Relations

This course surveys contemporary world politics and examines contending theories used by scholars and policymakers to make sense of international affairs. It also provides the conceptual tools and theories to interpret the international system.

Political Science 2237E - Introduction to Political Theory

An examination of central themes and issues in the history of political thought from ancient to modern times.

Political Science 3360F/G - 21st Century Media and Politics

This course looks critically at the role of media as a contributor to and conduit of the political process. It examines the impact of media type and journalistic practices on the distribution of information and political behaviour. Both traditional and new media will be examined in depth.

Political Science 4430E - Critical Security Studies

This course introduces students to the burgeoning field of Critical Security Studies.  One of the problems central to this field is that our understanding of what security means is unresolved. Themes include: security and identity; securitization; gender and security; security and technology; environmental security; and human security.

  • Law
  • Government and Public Service
  • Broadcasting and journalism
  • Intelligence
  • Public Relations
  • Consulting
  • NGO advocacy
  • International organizations
  • Business
  • Academics

Approximate Costs

Fee details and schedules are available at