Upcoming Opportunities Page

Those assigned access to the site may be asked to provide their Western credentials in order to view its content. Access to this SharePoint site is assigned to current Full-Time Faculty at King's.

Other faculty or staff members can be added by request at research@kings.uwo.ca (Note: You must be active in Western's Active Directory in order to be granted access to this SharePoint Site.)

This site does not list any student funding opportunities. Students investigating funding opportunities are encouraged to visit the following pages of the King's website instead:

ExLibris Pivot-Research Professional (Pivot-RP) funding database

Create Account [hyperlink to:  ]


  1. Select the 鈥淯se Email Address/Create Password鈥 (the other option is not available for Western users).
  2. Enter in your Western email address.
  3. Create a password [does not have to be the same as Western credentials]
  4. Affiliated Member Institution: select 鈥淯niversity of Western Ontario鈥
  5. Consent and reCAPTCHA
  6. S- Note: This will be the password you created when you signed up.