Catholic Studies for Teachers modules offer an excellent preparation for studies at Faculties of Education where Religious Education (as taught in Roman Catholic schools) is offered as a teachable subject. The program includes a comprehensive academic study of Catholicism and a service-learning component. Graduation with an Honors Specialization or Major in Catholic Studies for Teachers assures acceptance into the BEd Junior/Intermediate or Intermediate/Senior program at the Faculty of Education at The University of Western Ontario (assuming requirements for a second teachable subject for the Intermediate/Senior program or background requirements for the Junior/Intermediate program have also been met).

Pre-Admission to the Catholic Studies for Teachers Program

Exceptional secondary school students are extended conditional pre-admission status to the Honors Specialization or Major modules in Catholic Studies for Teachers. The pre-admission of each candidate is determined by the Admissions Committee. In the pre-admission process, candidates are chosen according to academic and non-academic criteria.  In addition to meeting the minimum academic requirements for the Faculty of Arts, applicants to this program will submit:

  • a personal statement;
  • reference letters;
  • an experience profile.

Catholic Studies for Teachers is a limited enrollment program.  Pre-admission is dependent upon meeting both academic and non-academic requirements.  More competitive academic standing may be required when demand exceeds capacity. 

Admission Requirements for the Catholic Studies for Teachers Program

The admission of each candidate is determined by the Admissions Committee. In the admissions process, candidates are chosen according to academic and non-academic criteria:

  1. Completion of first-year requirements with an overall average of at least 75% on at least 5.0 courses including Religious Studies 1027E and the necessary first-year course, if required, for a declared second teachable subject; and
  2. Submission of:
    • a personal statement;
    • reference letters;
    • an experience profile.   

Catholic Studies for Teachers is a limited enrollment program. Admission is dependent upon meeting both academic and non-academic requirements. More competitive academic standing may be required when demand exceeds capacity.

Progression Requirements

  1. To progress in the Catholic Studies for Teachers program students must:
    • have a minimum modular average of 73%;
    • have a minimum average of 73% on courses used to support the second teachable subject;
    • have a minimum cumulative average of 65%;
    • have no course grade below 60%.

Graduation Requirements for CST Intermediate/Senior

Students wishing to enter into the Intermediate/Senior program at the Faculty of Education require a minimum average of 75%, with no mark below 60% in any course, in the Honors Specialization or Major module in Catholic Studies for Teachers, as well as in the course group supporting the second teachable subject. Meeting the graduation requirements for this program will guarantee acceptance into the BEd Intermediate/Senior program at the Faculty of Education at The University of Western Ontario with Religious Education as a teachable subject.

Graduation Requirements for CST Junior/Intermediate:

Students wishing to enter into the Junior/Intermediate program at the Faculty of Education require a minimum average of 75%, with no mark below 60% in any course, in the Honors Specialization or Major module in Catholic Studies for Teachers. Students must also have successfully completed a half university credit or more in four, five or six of the following areas: English; Fine Arts; Health and Physical Education, Mathematics; Science and Social Science/Humanities (Canadian History/Geography recommended). Students should consult the Department for recommended and approved courses that fulfill these subject requirements. Meeting the graduation requirements for this program will guarantee acceptance into the BEd Junior/Intermediate program at the Faculty of Education at Western University with Religious Education as a teachable subject.

Students who fall short of the requirements in this program may well meet the requirements for an Honors Bachelor Degree with either an Honors Specialization in Catholic Studies or a double Major including a Major in Catholic Studies, or a Four-Year Bachelor Degree with a Catholic Studies module, and may apply to the Faculty of Education on that basis.  These modules offer students an excellent preparation for studies at Faculties of Education where Religious Education (as taught in Roman Catholic schools) is offered as a teachable subject, but do not guarantee admission to Western's Faculty of Education.

Vulnerable Sector Screening

Neither The University of Western Ontario nor 51视频 requires a Criminal Records Check or other screening procedure (e.g., Vulnerable Sector Screen [VSS]) as a condition of admission into the Catholic Studies for Teachers program. However, prospective students should be aware that a criminal records check, VSS, and or medical tests, may be required in order to take part in the school field placement. In such cases, it is the student's responsibility to have the necessary procedure(s) completed. Students will not be permitted access to such courses without having completed this requirement.

Students will share VSS or other record check information directly with the facility or agency to which they have been assigned a placement and may, if they wish, disclose results to the Department. Students unable to complete a field placement because they are unable to meet a facility's requirement for such a screening, or because a facility refuses to accept them on the basis of the information contained in the record check or other screening procedure, will not be eligible for progression or graduation. Students enrolled in a field placement may not be able to pass the course if they have not met an agency's requirement, or if the agency refuses to accept them on the basis of the information contained in the record check or other screening procedure. Students should check with the Department for details regarding course access and the time frame within which a screening must be completed.

Teaching Catholic Studies

Prospective students should be aware that a supporting letter from their parish priest confirming their commitment to their faith, is a requirement for employment in the Catholic school system and may be essential for fulfillment of the service learning component of the program.